Regeneration Services
Many governance, investor and corporate leaders know in their gut that they are not reaching their full potential. Deep down, you also know that our world is stuck in unhealthy patterns. Change is inevitable. You know you need to adapt but you are not sure that you know how.
We have searched far and wide for the most powerful way to do this and we can guide you safely through it. It’s called regenerative development, and we call our way of bringing it to the world, regenerative transitions. Read on to learn how our portfolio of regeneration services will empower you to launch your own regenerative transition.

Nations, provinces, cities, towns and villages are facing an array of interconnected challenges with climate change, extreme weather events, energy disruptions and transitions, biodiversity loss, infrastructure challenges, community fracturing and polarisations.
So far, governments, councils, land owners, developers, infrastructure companies and cultural institutions have been cautious. Many see themselves as lacking skills to tackle these challenges. But there is a way to boldy lead your place into a better future.
Are you ready for the challenge?

Investors have long thought in terms of risk and return. But the scope of risks considered has been limited, with everything else excluded as externalities. Now, those same externalities have become the source of the staggering array of interconnected challenges that we face, forcing their way into consideration.
The most forward thinking investors know that placing all our faith in the same technology solutions world view that got us here won’t be the way. Investors who evolve will come out stronger.
What will you do?

Most corporations are continuing with the tried and tested tools of marketing and regulatory compliance to maintain their growth through the challenges of this time. It’s understandable. And for now most are still getting by.
But this won’t continue through the next decade. As customers, workforces and citizens are increasingly directly affected by the interconnected challenges of our world, the corporations still relevant at the end of this decade will be the ones that start to reinvent themselves now.
Where will you be in 2030?
Why JET? Why now?
You will exceed your targets AND contribute to thriving life
Your organisation will be one of the few that stands the test of time
You will learn a profoundly effective set of methodologies and capabilities
A deep satisfaction will develop and be with you always
You will be remembered for being an innovative pioneer in your field
Your grandchildren will be proud of you
Our Regenerative Transitions Methodology
Our regeneration services work with the fundamental self-healing and evolutionary capabilities of living systems. When facilitated effectively and technology backed, these principles that our planet so often demonstrates to us, can create thriving life and exceed our financial, climate, environmental and social targets.

Developed over 100 years of thought and over 25 years of practice across industry sectors and across every continent – JET Group has designed a Regenerative Transition Methodology applicable for governance, development, investor and corporate organisations which transforms governance, development, investment and impact. Our methodology uses regenerative systematics frameworks, builds new capabilities in people and systems, whilst increasing wellbeing and performance across four arenas of work– Ecology, Society, Culture and Heritage, and Economy using seven kinds of Capital – Physical, Produced, Financial, Human, Natural, Influence and Spiritual. Our whole portfolio of regeneration services offerings is designed from this methodology.

The methodology starts with the places we work in. This can feel unfamiliar to investors and corporations, who have been steeped in place-agnostic global thinking and practices. But re-learning place-based ways of working is essential to regenerative strategy and for you to emerge from the next decade stronger than you are now. You might not understand why now, but understanding will emerge powerfully as you progress. Our Story of Place process is central to this, and is the foundation of any true regenerative transition. From there, arenas of work are designed that produce a powerful cascading set of impacts in your organisation, your stakeholders and your places.

Most leaders will be new to regeneration, and you will start based on your intuition that a different way is needed for the next decade. That is a perfect place to be. We have your back through this journey and our regeneration services are crafted to guide you through it, each stage rapidly building your capabilities and confidence. You will experience immediate benefits to the quality of your relationships with your stakeholders, constituents, investees or customers. Situations that seemed stuck or impossible to solve will open up again. Your teams will be infused with fresh vision, energy and renewed purpose. Before you know it, you will be net positive and irreplaceable to your stakeholders or customers and even to the wider communities in the places you operate.

Our regenerative transitions approach is technology backed, which is rare in the regenerative field. We bring software products and services to the regenerative transition process. Our flagship product is a web3 regenerative governance and impact product called ComUnityVerse. The product has regenerative systematics deep in the foundations of its design and its proprietary regenerative impact framework. ComUnityVerse will enable capability building, transition governance, impact measurement and communication. Your ESG responsibilities will be more than handled.
Complementing ComUnityVerse, we design and deliver bespoke software using low-code platforms to enable your operations to evolve and digitalisation to increase as your organisation evolves.
The three places I have heard the word regeneration are in urban regeneration, regenerative medicine and regenerative agriculture - are any of these similar to what you mean by regeneration?
It’s true that the words regenerative and regeneration are used in these contexts. The first two, regenerative medicine and urban regeneration are from a totally different paradigm to the regenerative paradigm that we are talking about. It’s ironic that these mechanical and reductionist paradigm activities label themselves with the word regeneration.
Regenerative agriculture is closer to our use of the word regenerative, in that it aims to increase the health and vitality of soil through agricultural practice rather than degrading it. But often, regenerative agriculture still reduces regeneration to soil health, whereas in our regeneration services we are working with the health and vitality of all of life. Yes, everything.
I get how regeneration applies to places, but I'm confused about how it applies to businesses and investors, especially global ones - can you help me understand this?
Although many investors and corporations think of themselves as global, and don’t put a great deal of thought into their impact on places, they have a big impact on places whether or not they are aware of it. This impact goes far beyond ‘local markets’, their office locations and where they invest in carbon offsetting programmes. A major aspect of regenerative transitions for business and investors is re-opening the eyes of businesses and investors to their full impacts on places and then drawing on this as a powerful source for uncommonly strong performance.
Is JET a consultancy?
We offer regeneration services but don’t do consulting. We are a regenerative development company that joins you as a member of your strategy and development or operations teams, on the ground working together with you and your partners on project execution. We join forces with your teams to jointly deliver powerful outcomes in the world and in your organisation. Resourcing the work through to implementation is the most powerful way for us to work together because the combined team directly experiences profound investment and systems outcomes that would be impossible to achieve working from the usual transactional/reductionist paradigm.
Can I buy your software products as standalone offerings, without services?
Software doesn’t have regenerative impact on its own. People have to develop regenerative capabilities and together people, organisations and communities can do regenerative work together. The purpose of our software is to support these transitions, so we only offer our software products when partnering with you on a serious regenerative transition.

Guiding places, investors and corporations safely through regenerative transitions.